Today we are going to learn about how Utah Clover Mite and Utah Spider Mites get in your home, and how we control them for hundreds of families across Utah.
Tiny Red Bugs in your window? They could be Clover Mites!
While applying Clover Mite Control in Utah for almost 10 years, we have seen all kinds of home remedies homeowners have tried. We’ve seen everything, from customers taping up their windows, to burning their grass with a weed-burner. These tiny red spiders in your window can drive you NUTS, but you may be surprised to know, that they DO NOT WANT to come inside, there are simply too many gaps in your home ALLOWING them in.
In order to accomplish Clover Mite control in Utah, you must stop them at the source: your yard.
Clover Mites and Spider mites live in YOUR YARD. THEY RARELY INFEST INDOORS. They are simply lost and have made their way in through your windows weep holes, or gaps in your homes exterior (between stucco and siding etc.)
Clover Mites entering a home through gaps in the basement windows.
Clover Mite Control in Utah: Traditional Pest Control treatments WILL NOT WORK to control Clover Mites. Just spraying the exterior of the homes foundation will only be a TEMPORARY fix, and will last typically less than two weeks. The only way to truly control these insects is to apply a foliate treatment on the grass, plants, and trees around your whole home.
“Sam is amazing! We were having so much trouble with clover mites, for 4 years, exhausted from trying to get rid of them. We had tried several different professional pest control companies with no success. We were ready to move! Then we happen to find Bug Bully”
At Bug Bully, we know EXACTLY what your yard needs to control clover mites: Anthelmintic. An Anthelmintic mixed with insecticid and natural oils, allows the treatment to stay at the surface of your grass and plants for a MUCH longer control window. This along with Natural Insecticide dusts in gaps, cracks, and a full perimeter spray along the foundation of the home can provide control for almost a whole year (If timed in early summer/late spring)