Bug Bully Pest Control is Utah’s value pest control service for bed bugs, cockroaches, boxelder bugs, wasps, ants, and more.

Bug Bully Pest Control is Utah’s value pest control service for bed bugs, cockroaches, boxelder bugs, wasps, ants, and more.
Pest Control for common insects such as ants, wasps, spiders, box-elder bugs and earwigs etc:
Initial Visit: We will inspect your home to find food and water sources, how pests are getting inside, and safely apply any needed treatments.
No Contract: We will return at no cost within 30 days of treatment to solve your pest problem if it persists. For best results you should have your home/business treated every 3 months. We offer free friendly text reminders.
We love serving Utah. From Salt Lake City to Logan we provide specialty pest control for mites, carpet beetles, black widows, box-elder bugs, and SO many more.
At Bug Bully Pest Control we also have Organic Pest Control solutions for gardens and homes. Click here to learn more about Organic Pest Control in Salt Lake City
We have Certified Organic Pest Control Treatments for both Utah’s Homes and Gardens.